Curriculum Model

In accordance with NEP 2020, education must reduce exam stress and place a greater emphasis on practical skills and vocational training. Students should be independent and capable of learning entrepreneurship. Ultimately, kids should be given more options so they may become independent and self-sufficient when it comes to their daily curriculum.Our school has created a curriculum that will enlighten the young mind while keeping all of these in mind. It is a pledge made by our school to treat young minds with love and care. We wish every kid a very bright and lovely future filled with the whole growth of their social, mental, emotional, and physical abilities.Education should continue outside of the classroom because it cannot be obtained solely through books. At Swarrnim, we think that to develop children into well-rounded citizens of the future, pupils should be exposed to a variety of extracurricular activities like sports, art, dance, drama, and music. The responsibility for educating students should fall on the shoulders of the school; as a result, there should be no tuition fees because they merely add to the weight of schooling and education while potentially harming student's study habits.